12 July 2006

At last...

Just what the world needs. Another blog. Coals to Newcastle.

This represents my first endeavor as a blogger (or is it "bloggist?") and it is for now event based, in that I'm hoping this will be a nice outlet for me to share the details (and sounds/images when possible) of a bike tour I'll be taking later this summer from Seattle to Los Angeles. I figure it'll be nice to let everyone [who cares] know where I am and what I'm wearing.

Of course (as with a Doomsday Machine), the whole point of a blog is lost, if you KEEP it a SECRET! Why didn't I tell the world, EH?! I figure, I'll get a little practice in now and get used to writing to a large faceless audience and playing with the different ways I can post, as I'll be hitting internet cafés when I can along the way and the rest will be done via phone. Also having some additional posts in the backlog will give this little journal a bit more of a vererable feel. You can think of it as me breaking in the jeans to make them more comfortable for you. You're welcome.

Also, I can deduce that if you're reading this or any of my "practice posts" written before I'd told anyone about it, then clearly you must like what you've been reading and simply can't get enough of my charming prose. Yeah, I know. I'm crazy about you too.

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